Week  4 … Challenge Completed

Club Zoom Call

Put it in your diary – Sunday February 28th Club Zoom Call

Look who’s following me!

Isla Graham

Amelie & Kirstin O’Halloran

Ben Roth

Aoibhe & Hayley  Nolan 

Anna & Michael Delaney

Caroline Bond

Week 4 Stats

Target Distance – 25K 

Completed Distance – 28.79K
Ran – 10.68K 
Walked – 18.11K 
Approx Step Count – 50,531


Week 3 Stats

Target Distance – 25K 
Completed Distance – 27.85K 
Ran – 10.13K 
Walked – 17.72K 
Approx Step Count – 73,626


Week 2 Stats

Target distance – 25K 
Completed Distance – 26.15K 
Ran – 16.03K 
Walked – 10.12K 
Approx step count – 48,939


Week 1 Stats

Target distance – 25K 
Completed Distance – 27.7K 
Ran – 15.7K
Walked – 12K 
Approx Step Count – 47,020 


Day 27


I am delighted to say I have achieved my goal of 100K! 110.49K in the bag 🏆💪 Absolutely delighted
See you tomorrow on the zoom, on my birthday 🤭🥳

Day 25

“Hi Guys! Did my run very early this morning, haven’t been up that early since goodness knows when 🤭 Will do a 6.31K walk tomorrow to meet my 25K target, never got time today as I was flat out doing assignments for my Level 2 Swim Teacher course ☺🏊‍♀️
Only 3 more days!!! Everyone keep pushing on and stay strong 💪 Finish on a high 🏆
Shout out to Isla and Aoibhe, who are both still absolutely smashing this challenge!! Super proud of you 2 ❤️”

Day 24

Hi everyone! Only 4 days left of our challenge, can you believe it. Its absolutely flown by. Went for a walk today to make up for yesterday woeful weather 🌧️ Thought it was a 10k distance but only ended up being 8K. Tomorrow I’ll do a 5K run and I’ll walk 2K to match my daily target 💪 Keep up the fantastic work guys 💞” 

Day 22

My 5 km route for today.

Week  3 … Mission accomplished

Day 20

“Hey everyone! Hope you all got a chance to go out today 🌧️ Weather was brutal but when we saw a break, mum and I went for a walk to get outside. Wrap up nice and cozy and I’ll see you all on Monday for another video diary 😋” 

Day 18

“Hey everyone ❤️ How are we? Nice day out today but was on the chiller side I thought. Still nicer weather than the previous week 😬 
Shout out to Isla, Aoibhe, and Caroline who are flying this challenge 🏆 Love seeing all your photos on the followers page! Keep it up guys. To the rest of my followers, let me know how you are all getting on 😁👍

Day 17

Fabulous morning for a run …. Spring is in the air!

Day 16 

“Happy Pancake Tuesday guys 🥞 Hope you all enjoy a delicious stack of pancakes today! 
I’m enjoying my crepe with nutella 😋
To all my followers, you are all absolutely smashing this challenge 💪 
Love seeing all your photos and your progress ❤️”
Thanks 😊

Day 15 – 5km Run

Lucky with the weather today, was lovely out, very humid! 

Week 2 Completed

25 km DONE!

Day 13 – 5km Run

My 5k route and my video diary to close off the week. 
Tomorrow is a rest day for me so I’ll see you again on Monday. 
Have a nice weekend 👍🏽

Day 12 – 5km Run

Playing a catch up game as I was extremely busy yesterday and never got to go for my walk so will make it up by walking tomorrow 👍🏽 

Day 10 –  5.21km – First time I have set foot on a pitch in a long while!

“Evening guys. Went for a late run tonight, enjoyed the beautiful sunset during it 😍 Nice bit of motivation. First time I’ve set foot on a pitch since goodness knows when 😂

Day 9 –  5km Walk Today

“Hey everyone, how are we today? Another bitterly cold one today so wrap up warm ❄️ Special shout-out to Isla Graham, who completed an astonishing 34.46K, Aoibhe Nolan, who completed an whopping  27.72K, and Amelie O’Halloran, who completed a fantastic 8.65K ALL IN WEEK ONE 💪🏼
Unreal stuff guys, super proud of you ❤️”

Day 8 – 5km Done

Difficult one today! Couldn’t feel my toes and fingers due to the cold 😂 Gusts of wind and hailstones just completed the mix hahaha. 

Week 1 Completed

25 km DONE!

Day 5 – 5km Done

Completed 5K route for today 
Thanks Ciara 😊

Day 4 – 5km Done

It’s a shout-out for Isla Graham for the fantastic work she has done so far in the challenge. 
Thanks Ciara 😊

Day 3 – Complete

My video diary for today and my completed route. 

Fabulous day 😊

Day 2 – 5km Completed

Hi guys, hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the challenge. 2 days completed, great stuff.  Only onwards and upwards from here. Keep it up 💪

Day 1 – 5km Completed

Week 1

Target Distance 25km

  Dietary Focus

Increase Vitiman D

Eliminate Sweets

  Route 1:      5km


Start/Finish: Greystones Park & Ride

  Route 2:      5km


Start/Finish: Ciara’s House

  Route 3:      5km


Start/Finish: Kilcoole Beach Car Park

Poseidon Lifesaving Club Fitness Challenge

Ciara Kelly

I am looking forward to participating in this challenge because the Covid-19 lockdown has removed me completely from all of my training, be that in the pool and on the camogie pitch, and as a result my motivation to complete anything has seriously dropped.

This new challenge has provided me with an end goal of getting my fitness back to what it was before lockdown, to hopefully increase my aerobic ability, and honestly, I have nothing else to do so why not sealed

 I plan on completing 100km for February by running and walking on alternate days Monday to Friday, resting Saturday & Sunday.