Safeguarding Is Everyone’s responsibility

Coral Leisure Wicklow 2022

Swim Time Rescheduled to 8am - 9am

Coral Leisure had moved our swimming slot to 8am Sunday mornings. 

Apologies for any inconvienence – John laughing

Term 1- January – April 2022

Fee: €90    9 Weeks

January 30th

February 6th/13th/20th

March 6th/13th/27th

April 3rd/10th

Sunday Mornings 8:15am – 9:15am    Revised Time 8am – 9am

New Membership Forms

All new members must complete and return a ‘new member registration form’ before the beginning of term. This completed form assumes that the parent/guardian and child have read and agree with Poseidon Lifesaving Club’s codes of conduct and Safeguarding policies & procedures. 

Membership Renewal Forms

All individuals intending to swim must submit a membership renewal form before being allowed in the pool.

Each individual must comply with the Swim Ireland COVID-19 guidelines.

No individual will be allowed swim without completing the required forms, contact details and payment.

Payment Method

Due to the current envirnment payment can only be made by credit transfer to the Poseidon Lifesaving Club at the Greystones Credit Union. Please make sure you reference your childs name when making the payment.

Account Number: IE57GDCI99224910149810

No cash or cheques will be accepted.

All fees must be paid January 28th.

COVID Guidelines

Poseidon Lifesaving Club is following the guidelines provided by Swim Ireland.

Click here for all Swim Ireland COVID-19 Guidelines

  • No individual will attend swimming if suffering from any COVID-19 related symptoms and/or is a close contact of positive contact.
  • Attendance log must be completed for each session with accurate contact details for each swimmer. 
  • Social distancing will be maintained, and face coverings worn when swimmers and coaches are not engaged in activity, i.e., while on poolside, changing rooms etc.



The pool will open to Poseidon Lifesaving Club members at 8am sharp. All swimmers are expected to be in the pool at 8:15am. The training session will finish at 9:15am.

All swimmers must be out of the facility before 9:30am.