Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business
Changing Room Policy
Poseidon Lifesaving Club shares changing room facilities with members of the public. It is therefore not possible to provide supervision in these areas. However, all club members must abide by the policies mandated by the facility in use.
Poseidon Lifesaving Club has a strict policy regarding the use of cameras and camera phone/devices which must be adhered to by all club members and parents/guardians/family/friend. As a member it is a requirement that the club member and parent/guardian have read and signed the policy.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to discuss this policy with their child ensuring their child is aware of who to talk to if any issues arise.
Parents can remain with their child in the appropriate (gender dependent) changing area if the child is of an age where help is required or if the child requires additional specific assistance. This is generally at an age stipulated by the facility in use. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to determine this.
Parents and carers have a responsibility to ensure that their children are appropriately supervised while they are attending a sport or leisure facility. It is parents’ responsibility to judge whether it is safe and appropriate to allow their unaccompanied child/minor to visit a sport or leisure facility. This judgement should be based on their child’s general developmental maturity, their child’s awareness of the potential risks.
While a child is training, they remain under the responsibility and duty of care of Poseidon Lifesaving Club. If a child goes out of the pool area, the coach or teacher should be aware of this. If the child fails to return within a reasonable time, or appears to be upset upon leaving the poolside, the coach/teacher will request a suitable official to check on them. The policy of Poseidon Lifesaving Club is to have a parent available to support if required.
If a complaint is received about an incident that has occurred in the changing room between a member of Poseidon Lifesaving Club and any other person, Poseidon Lifesaving Club has a duty to act upon that concern as appropriate. If the incident involves a person not associated with Poseidon Lifesaving Club, the Pool Manager will be made aware and consideration given as to whether the statutory agencies need informing.
Poseidon Lifesaving Club has a reasonable duty of care to their members, which extends to an awareness on the part of the Poseidon Lifesaving Club that their junior members have been collected, in so far as is possible, at the conclusion of a session, i.e. that a member is not left unsupervised if a parent is late.
Poseidon Lifesaving Club will make all junior members and their parents aware that if children are not collected by a parent, then the child should make that known to the welfare officer, coach or whoever the club deems to be appropriate on the day of training or competition, and for the nominated individual to ensure that the child is supervised appropriately until a parent arrives or the parent communicates alternative arrangements.