Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business
Code Of Conduct – Young People
As an athlete, you have rights and responsibilities. The following code will help identify these for you. If you are not sure, ask your parent or your Club Children’s Officer to explain them. This is your Code, whatever your ability or wherever you take part in the clubs activities.
In your sport, you should:
- Be happy, have fun and enjoy taking part and being involved in your sport
- Feel safe and secure when you are taking part in your sport
- Be listened to and have a chance to reply
- Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
- Have a voice in the decisions that affects you within Poseidon Lifesaving Club
- Say no to something which makes you feel uncomfortable
- Train and compete at a level that is suitable for your age, development and ability
- Know who you can talk to if you are upset or are uncomfortable in any way
Your responsibilities are to:
- Understand and abide by Poseidon Lifesaving Clubs Ethos, Policies and Procedures. (If you are unaware of these you can ask any committee member to explain them to you are talk to your parent or guardian. They are also available on
- Treat leaders, coaches, teachers, team managers, officials and parents with respect
- Respect other athletes and your opponents
- Do your best to achieve your goals; be gracious in not reaching your goals
- Be part of the team and respect and support other team members both when they do well and when things go wrong
- Never bully or use bullying actions against another person; you should never hurt other team members, athletes or your opponent, this includes never taking/damaging their property, never spreading rumours or telling lies about other young people or adults
- Take part in your sport without cheating; you are responsible for not cheating and must not allow others to force you to cheat. Promote and adhere to the Spirit of Sport
- Behave in a manner that is respectful towards Poseidon Lifesaving Club
- Never use violence or bad language; do not shout or argue with leaders, team mates or opposing participants – talk to someone if you are upset or angry or if someone has caused you to be upset or angry
- Set a level for what you want to achieve with your parent and coach. You can then understand the commitment and attendance needed to achieve your goals
- Do not take, or allow others to make you take, banned substances to improve your performance
- Keep to rules and guidelines set by Poseidon Lifesaving Club and make sure you understand the rules
- Always wear appropriate swimwear and Club Kit
By signing below, you are committing to abide by the above code of conduct. Any breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with appropriately and in accordance with Poseidon Lifesaving Clubs disciplinary process.
Member Name & Signature: ___________________________ Date______________
Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business
Code Of Conduct – Committee
As a committee member, you have a responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment within the club. You have volunteered your time, effort, and you, and any other person working with you should abide by the Codes of Conduct.
You should
- Be familiar with the Club, Region and Royal Lifesaving Society UK safeguarding policies and rules and be familiar with the Ireland Children First Act 2015
- Appoint suitable qualified and recruited individuals to roles/positions ensuring all requirements are met
- Ensure all roles undertake a safe induction and supervision is in place for all
- Create a safe environment for young people
- Provide adequate supervision for training sessions with an attendance record being kept
- Understand and implement the complaints and disciplinary procedures, ensuring complaints (including rumours) are not ignored and dealt with appropriately.
- Ensure any activities, including away trips, are run appropriately and parent/carers consent is sought where required and for activities outside the lifesaving disciplines
- Ensure all required procedures contained in the Poseidon Lifesaving Club Safeguarding Policies are adopted and implemented
- Ensure all relevant legislation is adhered to and implemented
- Keep and store securely all documentation i.e. member details, minutes of meetings and correspondence etc
- Ensure effective communications with members through recognised means
- Inform parents/carers where a problem arises in relation to their child
- Not inappropriately discuss or transmit any information, either internally or externally, which may affect, harm Poseidon Lifesaving Club
- Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information discussed and/or held by Poseidon Lifesaving Club. This would constitute:
- Commercially sensitive information
- Personal information
- Information received in confidence
- Comply with relevant statutory provisions relating to access to information (e.g. Data Protection legislation)
- Confidential information discussed by committee members e.g. within committee meetings, phone calls and emails
- Work to create and be part of an environment where members can express their views freely and openly without fear of reprisal
- Declare any conflict of interest prior to any discussion on a relevant topic
- Share joint responsibility for decisions taken and avoid distancing oneself from decisions of the committee
- Be properly recruited and supported in your role
- Have access to and attend required training for your role
By signing below, you are committing to abide by the above code of conduct. Any breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with appropriately and in accordance with Poseidon Lifesaving Clubs disciplinary process.
Print Name: ____________________
Signed: ___________________________
Date: _________________
Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business
Code Of Conduct – Parents
As a parent or carer, you should help and support the implementation of best practice policies in Poseidon Lifesaving Club by following its Codes of Conduct. You Should :
- Understand and ensure your child/children abide by The Code for Young People.
- Be aware of and abide by Poseidon Lifesaving Clubs Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, Codes of Codes of Conduct and Club Ethos
- Contribute some time and effort to the club if asked. No club can operate successfully without the help of volunteers. Some duties are mandatory and form part of the procedures for safeguarding your children; some will be at the request of the Club
- Where appointed to a role or duty you should not be under the influence of any banned substance or alcohol whilst involved in any of Poseidon Lifesaving activities
- Have an awareness of and respect leaders and other adults and their roles
- Understand the complaints and disciplinary process; follow the proper procedure if you feel unjustly treated and that any complaint/disciplinary matter will be dealt with effectively and confidentially
- Know your child’s training and/or competitive programme, and accept it is your responsibility for delivering and collecting your child/children. Parents/guardians should ensure they do not leave their child/children waiting unsupervised at any time
- Ensure appropriate leaders are informed regarding any absenteeism, medical conditions or other relevant matters concerning your child
- Provide the appropriate leaders and your child with emergency contact information and to be reasonably available in case of emergency
- Promote that participation in sport for children and young people is fun, safe, fair and in the Spirit of Sport
- Be a positive role model for young people by maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct and respectful behaviour in any activity related to Poseidon Lifesaving Club
- Allow your child to focus their efforts and set their own goals rather than winning being the main objective
- Arrange an appropriate time and place for discussing any matter with leaders and coaches; communication should not take place whilst leaders and coaches are in a position of supervision or responsible for other young people
By signing below, you are committing to abide by the above code of conduct. Any breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with appropriately and in accordance with the Poseidon Lifesavings disciplinary process.
Print Name: __________________________ Signed: ______________________
Date: ___________________________
Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business
Code Of Conduct – Coaches
As a coach/teacher in sport you have an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of young people. You, and any other person working with you should abide by the Codes of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct for Coaches/Teaches:
- Understand and ensure the welfare and well-being of young people is paramount
- Be qualified for your role and keep up-to date with knowledge and skills appropriate to your position
- Be familiar with the Club, Region and Royal Lifesaving Society UK safeguarding policies and rules and be familiar with the Ireland Children First Act 2015. (
- Ensure a safe and fun environment for young people you are responsible for by:
- Planning and preparing for sessions; explaining to young people what is planned for each session
- Understanding a young person’s developmental needs and being aware of how a young person may be physically and psychologically affected
- Having consent and accessible emergency contact details for each young person
- Ensuring your sessions are adequately supervised and you work in an open environment
- Keeping an attendance register
- Being positive in your interactions with young people
- Prioritise young people’s skill development and enjoyment
- Setting age appropriate and realistic goals
- Treating each young person equally and fairly; challenging bullying behaviour
- Praising and encouraging effort
- Engaging positively with parents/carers letting them know how they can help and what you expect from parents
Coaches/Teachers must:
- Not expose a young person to criticism, hostility or sarcasm
- Not swear at, make fun of, shout unnecessarily or argue with a young person
- Be aware of a young person’s sensitivity to body image
- Never use physical punishment or force
- Correct mistakes without using any form of punishment, exclusion or humiliation
- Never use banned substances or alcohol whilst responsible for or in the company of athletes
- Not engage in behaviour that is inappropriate e.g. bullying behaviour, rough physical games, sexually provocative games, never allow or engage in inappropriate physical contact of any kind or make sexually suggestive comments about or to a young person
As a coach/teacher your responsibilities are to:
- Act as a role model for young people by promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging a positive approach to sport
- Maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and respectful behaviour in any activity related to the Club, Region or Swim Ireland
- Co-operate with the recommendations from medical and ancillary practitioners concerning the health and wellbeing of a young person. As a coach/teacher you should ensure any young person is medically fit to participate in the activity; you may request a certificate of medical fitness to ensure safe or continued participation
- Act only within your qualifications and competence; you should not carry out medical testing, therapy or provide advice if you are not qualified to do so; any such activity must only be with the assent of the young person and the consent of a parent/carer
- Keep any personal or medical information relating to a young person strictly confidential unless required to pass this on in the best interests of the young person
- Never apply undue influence or pressure on a young person for your own personal benefit or reward
By signing below, you are committing to abide by the above code of conduct. Any breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with appropriately and in accordance with Poseidon Lifesaving Clubs disciplinary process.
Print Name: ___________________________
Signed: ___________________________
Date: _________________