July 2020 Volume 3

Niamh Booth Club Captain 2020-2021
July 2020 | Greystones, Co. Wicklow
A message from the captain
Welcome to to the July edition of the Poseidon Lifesaving Club’s Newsletter. I do hope that in spite of these strange times that you are all staying safe and well.
The club is very pleased to announce that in May 2020 Poseidon Lifesaving Club was awarded the ‘Aspire’ RLSS UK Club Certification. This award is only given to those lifesaving clubs who demonstrate that they are a strong, safe and sustainable club, that the club has proper governance, adheres to the required legislation and safeguarding compliance requirements and actively communicates with its members and encourage member participation. Poseidon Lifesaving Club is the first lifesaving club in Ireland to receive this award.
In this edition Niall from Survive & Save and Caroline from Rookies have a message for our members. There is also an update on what we are planning for our ten-year anniversary celebrations on August 30th and a special ‘thank-you’ to Aoife Finnegan from Wicklow Scouts.
And remember your feedback is really important. Naimh

Poseidon Lifesaving Club Ten Year Anniversary
| Sunday, August 30th The South Beach Greystones|
A message from the ‘Junior Organising Committee’
This summer sees the ten year anniversary of Poseidon Lifesaving Club. The club is planning on having a fun-filled family ‘festival of lifesaving’ day on Sunday August 30th on the South Beach, Greystones. The exact time of the event will be published closer to the day as it will very much depend on tides.
We will have a number of competitions and fun games, where teams of Rookies and Survive & Savers will join together to compete.
There will be a schedule on the day of all the events going on throughout the afternoon for everyone to get involved in. We have so much planned and look forward to enjoying it with you.
Remember if you havent done it already, please get your child to think of one word that Poseidon means to them, as we want to compile all the words on a Poster Board and display it on the day. We would be grateful to have all the words emailed to us by 31st July at

| Wednesday, Open Water Training |
A message from Caroline Bond
Every Wednesday at the moment we do open water training. This is held on Greystones, South beach. There are two groups for 30 mins due to Covid 19. Normally training is an hour. We do front crawl, side stoke, lifesaving kick and the lifeguard board. Poseidon is an amazing and fun lifesaving club!

| Sunday, Open Water Training|
A message from Niall Byrne
Hello there I’m Niall Byrne and I’m glad I’m with Poseidon Life Saving Club. I think I speak for everyone when I say I’ve immensely enjoyed seeing my friends from Poseidon after lockdown whether it be during training or in the car park between training for group 1 & 2. I hope that going forward, everybody stays safe, not only because of COVID-19, but because the sea can often be dangerous. Peace y’all, Niall out. *mic drop

| Head Coach, John Doyle |
Summer Beach Camp Is On
|Camp 1, Monday August 3rd to Friday August 7th|
|Camp 2, Monday August 17th to Friday August 21st|
I am pleased to announce that I will be running the Summer Open Water Beach Camps in August. This year due to COVID-19 restrictions I will only be running two camps. During these unprecedented times the safety of our members is very important, so I urge all members to be aware of and respect the HSE social distancing and hand sanitising guidelines.
All members will be required to wear masks while in the Scouts den and bring their own hand sanitizer.
All members must have a valid RLSS UK membership number in order to be awarded the Open Water qualifications and for insurances purposes. Can all members please ensure that their RLSS UK membership is within date. There is information on how to update your RLSS UK profile in this newsletter.
If any member intending to participate in either camp is displaying any COVID-19 symptoms in the two weeks prior to the camp start date please do not attend. We all have a responsibility to take care of each other.
| Camp 1, Monday August 3rd to Friday August 7th – 9:3am – 1:30pm |
Amelia, Chole C, Finn, Ciara, Isabella, Niomi, Ben, Seth, Jessica, Scott, Chole O, Eva, Caroline & Cuan.
| Camp 2, Monday August 17th to Friday August 21st – 9:3am – 1:30pm |
Isobel, Sinead, Orla, Amelia, Isabella, Chole C, Abbey, Artem, Tanya, James, Emilie, Gemma, Scott & Sadhbh.
Other News & Events

Welcome Mona
PLSC welcomes Mona to the Coaching Team
The club is thrilled to announce that this summer Mona agreed to join the Survive & Save coaching team.
Mona brings a wealth of Open Water swimming experience. Mona hase been a volunteer with the club for a number of years and is a regular helper at all the lifesaving competitions.
Welcome Mona

A Big Thank You To
Aoife Finnegan

RLSS UK New Online System
How To Update Your Membership
The RLSS UK has updated it software system to a new system called tahdah.
Each member will have to log into this new system and create a new user ID and password. Each members qualifications should be ported to this new system.
Click on the link below to activate your account.
| Prepared By Niamh Booth, Club Captain |
Survive & Save Crossword Puzzle
Did you solve it?
| Click on the puzzle and give it a go! |

Message from RLSS UK
Elouise Greenwood RLSS UK Participation Manager
“I can confirm that you are the first club in Ireland to achieve Aspire!, a great achievement. Aspire means you’ve identified your goals, developed a record / action and development plan – tailored to your club, you are assessing your progress and promoting your achievements, you have achieved a recognised success. The programme offers a way to define what success means to your club, to recruit more volunteers, to benefit from resources and, of course, to grow the members / people engaging with your club. It’s about being the club you want to be, the best club you can be.
As we keep moving on, aspire clubs will appear first on club finder, will be the clubs recommended and will be clubs recognised as one of quality and safety.
“RLSS UK would like to congratulate Poseidon Lifesaving Club on achieving the Aspire level of the club development programme. It’s an fantastic achievement and shows a commitment to quality, safety, and excellence. As the first club in Ireland to achieve this level, your members should be proud of this progress. Congratulations”
Our Newsletter
Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have anything to say. Dialogue is an essential part of any script. We need your feedback to make the newsletter informative.