Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Business

Recruitment Policy

All persons applying for a role in Poseidon Lifesaving Club that provides an opportunity for unsupervised access to children must undergo the vetting process and have completed Safeguarding 1.

Individuals who must be vetted are the following:

  • All committee members
  • All Lifesaving coaches and instructors
  • All volunteers


Poseidon Lifesaving Club also requires all Swimming Instructors & Coaches to be Garda Vetted, have completed Safeguarding 1 and have the following swimming qualifications:


Survive & Save Pool Qualifications

  • Survive and save instructor qualification
  • Bronze medallion survive and save

Survive & Save Beach Qualifications

  • Bronze medallion survive and save
  • Survive and save instructor qualification
  • Open water endorsement


Rookie Pool Qualifications

  • Rookie lifeguard instructor qualification

Rookie Beach Qualifications


  • Rookie lifeguard instructor qualification
  • Open water endorsement


    Simply The Best