A Lifeguard is like a storm shelter, you may never need it, but if you do it can be a life saver!
Membership Renewal Form
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform Poseidon Lifesaving Club in writing of any changes in their child’s health circumstances and or contact details while being a member of the club.

Existing members are asked to complete the Membership Renewal form.

By completing this form you are agreeing to abide by and uphold Poseidon Lifesavings Club’s policies and procedures.

The club is affiliated with the RLSS UK and aligns its policies and procedures with both the RLSS UK and that of Swim Ireland.

We are a competitive club but not all members decide to compete. Having a society membership to the RLSS UK is essential to compete. How to gain membership can be found here.

Please email your completed  form with your child’s name and the swim group in the subject line to info@poseidon.ie

All parents/guardians are required to complete and email a membership renewal form for their child.

Please email you completed form to info@poseidon.ie with your child’s name and swim class in the subject line.

Health & Safety

We request that all swimmers wear a one-piece costume, no jewellery is to be worn at the club, and that any medical conditions are disclosed on the application form.

All applicants must be 8 years old or above to be considered for joining the club.

The club complies with the RLSS UK & Swim Ireland Safeguarding & Protecting Children Regulations.

Please email your completed  form with your child’s name and the swim group in the subject line to info@poseidon.ie

Safeguarding is Everyones Responsibility

Information You Need To Know

All information you need to know about Poseidon Lifesaving Club is availabe on this website. 


The safeguarding policies & procedures for the club are documented in this section. Of particular importance are the clubs ‘code of conduct’, ‘changing room policy’ and ‘filiming & social media policy’.



The clubs policies & procedures in relation to membership, fee structure, payment terms, travel, equality within the club & emergency response are documented here.



In this section you will find swim dates for all classes both Rookie & Survive & Save, as well as dates for all competitions.


Poseidon Lifesaving Club is run by a wonderful group of volunteers, both juniors & adults. This section introduces you to these individuals as well as showing you all their safeguarding and coaching certifications.


On a regular basis the club will post all updates to this page. All parents and members are encourages to view this page on a regular basis.


Rookie: €120 per child for a 10 week term. €210 for two children.

Survive & Save: €180 bi-annually per child. €315 for two children.

UCD: €80 per term per child

Note: Fees are open to change